- Students receive report cards once a quarter, or 4 times a year, at the same time as all other schools. If your child does not bring home the report card, go to the school to get a copy from the school counselor. The final report card of each year is mailed home.
- The grading system remains the same as elementary school: A is excellent, B is very good, C is average, D is poor, and E is failing.
- Grades are calculated as grade point averages for academic eligibility: A is 4.0, B is 3.0, C is 2.0, D is 1.0, E is 0 points. Add up the grade points and divide by the number of classes to get the grade point average, also called the GPA.
- Poor grades may mean your child will not be able to participate in team sports or organized school activities. They must have at least a 2.0 GPA and no more than one E in the previous semester to play a sport, be in student government or official student activities like plays.
- Some grades in middle school count towards the high school GPA: All levels of foreign language – Spanish and French; Algebra 1 and 2 and Geometry count towards high school’s GPA – they will show up in the student’s high school record. Your child has only one chance to take a class again if she receives a D or E.
- Parents should all use the computer-based internet site called MyMCPS to monitor your middle and high school children’s grades between report cards.
- You can contact teachers or call the school counselors at 301.650.6460 to ask for help in understanding each class’s homework policy.
- If your child is getting a C, D or E, you and your child may want to get help with studying, organizing, or reading understanding. Counselors have an organization group for students, and Afterschool Homework Club can be helpful.
- Interim reports are mailed halfway through each marking period.
- Unexcused Absences affect your child’s grades in high school, so develop good habits now. Parents must call the attendance secretary before 7:45am at 301.562.5210 when your child is absent. If your child is not on time for a class, she is considered absent. Attendance is taken in all classes. The first class starts at 7:55. Be sure your child is at school in time to go to the locker and arrive to class on time.